Base Miami Launches New Hybrid ‘Immersion Week’ Program
Mana Tech kicks off a new project to onboard more LATAM tech startups to the Miami innovation ecosystem.
Feb 15, 2023 · 2 Minute ReadMana Tech and Base Miami summon all LATAM entrepreneurs to tune into their latest program. Immersion Week was created to take your business startup to the next level and make the right moves toward the US market. The program will allow enthusiasts to learn hands-on sales strategies and market research, and seize networking opportunities led by experts and program hosts, Mariano Amartino (Americas Managing Director at Microsoft for Startups), Charly Esnal (Co-founder at Base Miami and Managing Director at Mana Tech), and Moishe Mana (Founder and Chairman at Mana Common).
The goal of the program is to allow LATAM startups to gain the knowledge and connections needed to succeed in the US startup market with our expert-led program. Entrepreneurs will learn how to maximize relationships with potential buyers or investors while immersing in Miami’s vibrant startup community. The virtual portion of the program takes place from March through April and then invites all 15 entrepreneurs to experience the Miami tech scene for 5 days. Taking advantage of key connections in the ecosystem.
Are you an entrepreneur in LATAM looking to take your business overseas? Apply now to the Immersion Week program to get all the guidance you need!